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Girls Playoffs Round Two!

Site: Rankin
Time: 6:00
Date: Thursday, February 13
Adults: $5
Students: $3
Families traveling to the game may wish to pick up their children early from school.
Kiss the Pig Fundraiser Featured Photo

Kiss the Pig Fundraiser

πŸ’–πŸ’° Who Will Kiss Reba the Pig? πŸ·πŸ’‹

The Class of 2026 is hosting a HILARIOUS fundraiser and YOU get to decide! From February 10th-14th, it’s a battle to raise the most MONEY! πŸ’Έ The educator with the highest amount will have to kiss Reba the pig on Valentine’s Day at 9:50 AM! πŸ˜±πŸ–

πŸ–The contenders are:

Mr. Shipman
Mr. Powers
Coach Schoen
Coach Cronkright

😍 How to Participate:

Bring your MONEY starting Monday, February 10th.
The educator with the most funds wins the honor of kissing Reba!
πŸ’‹ PUCKER UP for Reba on February 14th!

#Classof2026 #KissThePig #FundraiserFun #RebaThePig

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